Our Vision
Our vision : To be the premier optometric service provider in the Buffalo region by offering great professional care in a friendly, comfortable environment.
Our Goals
· To always have the patient come first.
· To treat every patient like family and/or friends.
· To make sure every patient understands their vision and their vision needs.
· To use insurance in the most optimal way to best benefit the patient.
· To use the best quality materials in every pair of glasses.

When to call your eye doctor

· Any sudden changes in your vision
· Blurred, hazy, or double vision
· Color changes in your iris
· Extreme sensitivity to light or glares
· Eye pain, whether severe and sudden, or recurrent around your eyes
· Having the feeling one of your eyes is "a cup filling up with ink"
· Heavy discharge, accompanied by itching or burning
· Seeing rainbows, halos, "spider webs", a darkening over one eye, flashes of light, or bright floating spots
· Swollen or red eyes
· White spots or areas in your pupils